lördag 25 oktober 2008

Amsterdam, here I come!

I am going to Ansterdam today! Yipeee! My first holiday in more than a year. Granted it is a short ine and the weather prognosis is wet and chilly but I am determined to enjoy it. 
I have been to Ansterdam countless times. But have never seen the city. Well, you see I have always restricted my movements to the corridors and shopping of Schipol, the international airport. Now I get to see the city. 

I can't wait to get on to the canal bus, wander through the streets. Sit at the cozy cafés, find great bookshops and spend hours there, see the museums, the old church. The list is endless and I hope the weather allows. Of course there will be no stopping my excursions, come rain or high water. Though I should not really mention the latter as it may happen and given that I will be below sea level for a week, it is not a comforting thought.

3 kommentarer:

yaél sa...

you're going to have so much fun!

victor220 sa...

My best day this month!!
I win Jason with my new fti from golforderonline finally!! I’m never so happy since last year. It is the first time I defeat him! Oh, I’m so exciting and even don’t know what to say.

Anonym sa...

Yael, I did have a wonderful time. It is a fabulous city with all sorts of people, and has everything for people of all tastes (visual arts and all the other things we often want to see or do). Definitely worth visiting.
How is it living in a new country? Any thoughts on beng an "immigrant"?