lördag 25 oktober 2008

Books I want to read

Thought I would write these down before I forget. You know how it is; you see a wonderful book and say to yourself that you would definitely like to read that. Before you know it you do not recall what the title was, let alone th author. All that remains is a lingering memory of having despeately wanted to read some exciting book. Now, I should stop with the rambling before I actually forget what I REALLY want to write:

Satanic Verses
Kalla det vad fan du vill
Snabba cash
 This list will grow as I recall (hopefully!) the others and as I find new ones.
Have realised what a blessing, or whatever one would call it, it is to be able to read in three languages. Unfortunately there are not so many books of genre that I like written in Luganda. But that's okay. 

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