fredag 10 oktober 2008

New beginnings

An invandrad läkare, I wander around stockholm. I wonder when I will fully integrate. It should not take long. In the meantime, ska jag börja en tvåspråklig blogg. 
  Eftersom jag inte kan så bra svenska kommer jag att bloggar på engelska... I think. Men vi får se. Kanske blir det svenska språket lättare med tiden. 
It's one year five months and two weeks since I moved to Sweden. And it is a year and five weeks since I started learning Swedish. 
  I am finished the Svenska B language training yesterday! ! Yippeee! Now son of man (or daughter of woman in this case) can go on with life. I will begin seriously looking for a job starting next week. Cannot wait to start work, get back with the patients and other people in the hospital. Funny but it is indeed a social networking place, the hospital. All the other people one works with become part of ones life.
Well, I hope that is the way it is here in Sweden too. 
  I have in the last year been humbled by the realisation that not all europeans are the same. ha ha! Yes, you know, I imagined that since I already had the British and Americans worked out... and a little experience with the germans, well, Sweden would be a piece of cake. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! It has been quite a ride... :-D.  I now start life "for real" . 

On monday I will go to Arbetsförmedlingen. It is the governmental authority that helps one sort out employment and such stuff. I have not heard of a similar authority in the U.K or U.S. I was told by a potential employer that I had to register myself with them first so I could get some kind of insurance cover... in order to be in the hospital as a non licensed doctor. 
It feels strange, having to work as a non licensed doctor. But I am not complaining. I at least do not need to do the kunskaps prov and all. Looking forward to any kind of work... I mean in the hospital.

I hear howling in my kitchen and gotta go check it out... Oh, it was just a family member trying to sing.. :-)

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