onsdag 22 oktober 2008

Dental woes and dental fleecing.

After yesterdays fiasco with the extra charge I called the tandläkare mottagning. Jag pratade men en trevlig kvinna som förklarade att tandläkaren hade nog gjort någon behandling. I told her that that was definitely not the case as my treatment was scheduled for after the penicillin treatment. She said she would ask the dentist to call back. She has not yet. Well, what can I say? It seems some people take their right to set their own charges too far. I thing it is lämplig för tandläkaren att säga att jag ta 650kr i undersöknings avgifter istället för att påstå att man har gjort en behandling som patienten har ingen aning om. I guess I have to admit that I was fleeced.

My regular dentist is tjänstledig, (basically away from work) till january! Woe is me, woe is me. I have to find someone else to remove this tooth as there is no way I am going back to that other one who overcharged me. There is no more trust there and without trust, I do not have the confidence in her to fiddle around in my mouth. A friend's fiance may help with a refferal to his dentist who he swears by. 

I am wondering how it would be for me a s a psykiatrist to charge oturageous amounts for someone who comes in for 15 minutes, I take a brief history, decide they have a borderline personality disorder, say that they should come back for treatment next week and then charge for consulatation and for treatment. 3000kr tack!

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